The title being that way sure makes people think that I am talking about a lovers relationship.NO! Every relationship is what I am trying to talk about. The main questions lies what is a relationship? It is a bond between 2 or more person. Now, it is so difficult for 2 person to get really close because they were brought up in a totally different culture and environment. Conflicts will tend to happen. If conflict dont happen, OH please stop telling everyone that he/she is your ..........
Lets take me and Eunice for example. You all might see sweety stuff on social media. Happy anniversary, Happy monthsary, Happy bla bla bla days or even happy birthday. Being truthful to you, we ALWAYS argue. On major stuff or even on teeny tiny little things like why cant you stop EATING, BITCH!!! Now here comes the wonderful part, if you have never have these arguments, you will never know what the other truly thinks about. This small little "discussions" makes you understand each other better. Just imagine, you always nod and say yes to everything the other says, what if one day youre tired? And you just wanted to quit? The bond that you guys have formed all these years just go down the drain. All the memories and all the time wasted.
Not only for couples, even friends too!!! Ever have that situation where you guys are on a love hate relationship? Sometimes you love being around them sometimes you just feel like stabbing them right in their chest? I have! And this is only recently. Just for example. My buddy Daryl got all grumpy just because the event that Eunice invite him to got cancelled. Things turned bad in a while. And when this happened I think I was asleep. Then next morning I typed a very long essay to just talk to him about the whole scenario. I guess he was still mad, or I think he is. He said : Why are you restarting this? That line got me all mad. And things started to get awkward between us. WHY? WHY? WHY? We still play clash royale together, I think its the only way that got us back together. THANKS Supercell :P One day, we started talking through whatsapp on some tournament on Clash Royale then this topic came about. We talked and I finally got the chance to elaborate more. And it all worked out fine!!! I could have lost a Brother there!
Now, for you ladies out there. You girls have more complicated and difficult relationships than us guys. But please if you ever find someone you can click with please treasure it. You all once traveled to places for vacations, celebrated each other birthdays or even had each others back when you cried for that bastard for hurting you. Arent all this worthwhile to treasure these relationship? Please dont keep everything to yourself. Even if the other wont open up, at least you tried! You tried every little best solution to hold this friendship in place. Sooner or later, they will understand.
I have formed a group a little while back! It was my best friends and Eunice's best friend combined. It was the best moment that ever happened to me. I wanted a friendship like in the movie "Grown Ups". We could share everything and watch each other sag during vacations. This group brought a lot of joy to me. Everyone was talkative and bubbly back then. Unfortunately, I have no idea what happened. Everything turned upside down. The whole group is quiet, nobody shares anything anymore except William. His life is too colorful I guess. Now It just seems like everyone is busy. Well, I see them use their phone 24/7. Snapchat Instagram or even FB. But just wouldnt reply to this group anymore. I have been holding this in for a while. I wanted to kicked everyone of them out and leave the group just like how Johan did back then. It seems that no one is appreciating this group of friendship. The group is there, but its now hollow. Everything is not the same anymore, I have to watch my mouth now in case I hurt anyone. It also seems to me that they are still in this group because its their duty. But if I looked back! I have tonnes of memories with these bunch. We went to loads of groups trips. Outings. Dates. Double dates. Laughing at each other's stupidity then insult them HARD! Having some nice gathering in MURNI out usual mamak.
These bond we had. It was not easy to form. And now it has its own difficulties but I am not ready to concede! We all have our differences, please do know that. And if you dont like how people treat you please say something. We cant read your mind. :P Even a relationship between animal is not easy to form. You need to spend time with them.
See relationships are the most wonderful things that ever happened to us. Please treasure every friend who you think is worth your time and heart. Cause there is this saying,
"You've got a friend in me."